Immunofluorescencc Microscopy of tissue culture cells (Microscopy and Electronic Imaging Lab)These methods are written for direct staining of filamentous actin with bodipy FL-phallicidin and indirect immunofluorescence staining of microtubules with anti-tubulin antibodies. They easily can be modified for conventional immunofluorescence staining of any tissue cultured cell or direct staining of actin filaments
Photomicrography(Bowtell Lab)
Staining Nucleic Acids with Propidium Iodide (Molecular Dynamics Inc)Propidium iodide is a membrane-impermeant dye that stains by intercalating into nucleic acid molecules. It binds both DNA and RNA.It is useful in confocal microscopy studies of chromosome topography, DNA structure, and membrane integrity. It can also be used in double-label experiments to detect DNA and a fluorescein-labeled antigen simultaneously. This protocol can be used to stain cells with propidium iodide alone, simultaneously with another fluorochrome, or after staining with another fluorochrome.
Immunfluoresence on Chamber Slides (Bowtell Lab)
Mounting medium for immunofluorescence microscopy (House Ear Institute)This mounting medium is easy to prepare, can be stored cold or frozen, can be used with anti-fade agents and will polymerize to give a dry, semi-permanent mount. If for some reason the sample is needed again, immesing in water will dissolve the medium again.